Copywriting – Spec Ads
• Brand Image: Safe, Trustworthy, Understanding.
• Positioning: Cannabis targeting seniors, distancing it from mainstream weed/stoner culture.
• Big Idea: Convincing seniors to take an active and enthusiastic role in guiding emerging cannabis culture. Attaining relevance in modern culture.
• Copy: The Best Part of Modern Culture? You can take back.
Legalized Cannabis. It’s Safe, it’s Clean, and it’s here to improve your quality of life. Don’t let youth culture convince you it’s not for you. We’re Here To Help Make It Yours.
• Brand Image: Serious, honorable, foundational to national identity.
• Positioning: Canadian Forces is about strengthening your own identity by serving your Country and its history. (Constantly attempting to strike a balance between self-serving individualism and larger holistic duty.) Must strike a balance between the past, present, and future to not only honour the legacy but entice the youth.
• Big Idea: Establish a stronger identity by merging with Canadian identity, and help define what it could be.
• Copy: Honour the Past. Protect the Present. Define the Future. You Need Canada. Canada Needs YOU.
• Brand Image: Amusingly simple, while being skilled at all the myriad technical requirements of a full service digital agency.
• Positioning: Good marketing has a lot of time and effort, but we make it look easy. (Must also utilize the “lime” visual.”
• Big Idea: There’s a lot going on beneath the surface.
• Copy: It takes a Lot of good stuff under the surface to make marketing look this simply elegant. Don’t be fooled. A little lime means a lot.